Transparent Organisation Transformation – What to do

Choose your Scenario to reach
the Next Level.
We ensure a Transparent Transformation

OTRATRAnsparent Organisation TRAnsformation

Reaching the next level of performance

In a steep and growing hierarchy, substantial and sustainable changes are almost impossible, as the focus of management is mainly on financial measures and the context knowledge gets lost, by delegation without added value. Our approach breaks down barriers and breaks through the organisational blindness of the management structure.

Transparency diagnostic report


Are the correct problems being addressed, or only the symptoms? Middle management knows only 20% of the problems, supervisor 70% and frontline 100%. Only a fully transparent diagnostic report — not beautified by the management — will deliver a reliable and detailed case for action.

Bundled Scenarios


Were the measures taken effective or have they produced more management overhead? Single measures alone do not lead to sustainable impacts. We derive scenarios from bundled recommendations which include unconventional solutions. This enables you to take more efficient strategic decisions on a solid base.

Consistent Transformation


Were changes consistently and successfully implemented or was only the project completion communicated? Inconsistent implementation and failure to deliver improvements leads to disillusion and disengagement. We support the implementation across the whole organisation to ensure sustainable results.

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